System Data

SystemData is a map whose keys are defined by one of the following data specifiers described in this section. These are added to the ReturnValue map. Typically, SystemData is status information that is represented using integer. In some cases, it is a map of network details, or a list having connection details of each connection. This section covers all the possible SystemData types.

Table 6.219: Status
Key DataType Description
Status int This Key provides status information of system attribute. For example, BatteryLevel (0-7), NetworkMode, and BTPower (0-OFF, 1-ON) and so on.

Table 6.220: StringData
Key DataType Description
StringData string This Key provides data of type string to specify. For example, WallpaperPath, IMEI Number, and PhoneModel and so on.

Table 6.221: NetworkInfo
Key DataType Description
NetworkName string This Key provides name of the network.
NetworkStatus int Status: Description
-1: Unknown
0: Available. A network that the ME is allowed to register to.
1: Current. This is the currently registered network.
2: Forbidden. A network that the ME is not allowed to register to.
NetworkMode int Mode: Description
-1: Unknown
0: Unregistered
1: Global System for Mobile communications (GSM)
2: Advanced Mobile Phone System (AMPS)
3: Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA95)
4: Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA2000)
5: Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA)
6: Time Division, Code Division Multiple Access (TDCDMA)
CountryCode string Mobile Country Code (MCC).
NetworkCode string Mobile Network Code (MNC).
LocationStatus bool True: Location Area Code (LAC), CellId are valid.
False: Location Area Code (LAC), CellId are invalid.
AreaCode int Location Area Code LAC.
CellId int CellId.

Table 6.222: ConnectionList
Key DataType Description
ConnectionList Iterator This Iterator points to the list of available active data connections. ConnectionInfo map represents a data connection.

Table 6.223: ConnectionInfo
Key DataType Description
ConnectionStatus int 0: DisConnected
1: Connected
IAPID int Access point ID
ConnectionType int Coloured connection types are not supported.
Mode: Description
-1: Unknown
0: Circuit Switch Data (CSD)
2: LAN [Emulator]
3: CDMA2000
4: General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)
5: High Speed Circuit Switched Data (HSCSD)
6: Enhanced Data rates for Global Evolution GPRS(EdgeGPRS)
7: Wireless Local Area Network(WLAN)
8: Bluetooth
9: Virtual VPN
IAPName string Access Point Name. For example, www.airtelgprs.com.
NetworkName string Network name applicable for WLAN networks.
IAPConnectionName string The access point connection name that is, MobileOffice, MyGprs.

Table 6.224: AccessoryInfo
Key DataType Description
AccessoryType int -1: Unknown
0: HeadSet
1: BTHeadSet
2: CarKit
3: BTCarKit
AccessoryState int -1: Unknown
0: Disconnected
1: Connected

Table 6.225: AccessoryList
Key DataType Description
AccessoryList Iterator This Iterator points to the list connected accessories. AccessoryInfo map represents an accessory.

Table 6.226: LanguageList
Key DataType Description
LanguageList List of int This List points to the list of supported language enumerations, which are defined in S60.

Table 6.227: Version
Key DataType Description
MajorVersion string This List points to the list of supported language enumerations, which are defined in S60.
MinorVersion string Minor number of the version. For example, for 3.1, 1 will be minor.

Table 6.228: DriveInfo
Key DataType Description
Drive string Drive is a string. For example, c:>\\, d:>\\ and so on.
TotalSpace string Total Space in bytes.
FreeSpace string Free Space in bytes.
CriticalSpace int This is the critical free space in bytes.
MediaType int 0: MediaNotPresent
1: MediaUnknown
2: MediaFloppyDisk
3: MediaHardDisk
4: MediaCdRom
5: MediaRam
6: MediaFlash
7: MediaRom
8: MediaRemote
9: MediaNANDFlash
10: MediaRotatingMedia
BatteryState int 0: BatNotSupported
1: BatGood
2: BatLow
DriveName string Drive name

Table 6.229: Resolution
Key DataType Description
XPixels int X-Pixels
YPixels int Y-Pixels

Table 6.230: DriveList
Key DataType Description
DriveList List of strings This List points to the list of drives in the terminal. Drives are represented as strings. For example, c:>\\ and so on.

Table 6.231: StringList
Key DataType Description
StringList List of strings This List points to the list of available USB modes.

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