OpenGL ES 1.0

glColorPointer( size, type, stride, sequence)
Parameter sequence must be either a gles.array object or some other Python sequence object. gles.array objects require less processing and can be therefore slightly faster. If gles.array object is used, the type and dimension of its data are ignored and size and type are used instead.

glColorPointerub( sequence)
Special Python version of glColorPointer that accepts either a gles.array object or some other Python sequence object. Other parameters of glColorPointer will be determined as follows:

glColorPointerf( sequence)
Special Python version of glColorPointer that behaves exactly as glColorPointerub except GL_FLOAT is used as type.

glColorPointerx( sequence)
Special Python version of glColorPointer that behaves exactly as glColorPointerub except GL_FIXED is used as type.

glCompressedTexImage2D( target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, imageSize, data)
Parameter data must be either a gles.array or a Python string.

glCompressedTexSubImage2D( target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, imageSize, data)
Parameter data must be either a gles.array or a Python string.

glDeleteTextures( sequence)
Parameter sequence must be a Python sequence containing integers.

glDrawElements( mode, count, type, indices)
Parameter indices must be either a gles.array or some other Python sequence object. gles.array objects require less processing and can be therefore slightly faster. If gles.array object is used, the type of its data is ignored and type is used instead.

glDrawElementsub( mode, indices)
Special Python version of glDrawElements that uses length of the sequence indices as count and GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE as type.

glDrawElementsus( mode, indices)
Special Python version of glDrawElements that uses length of the sequence indices as count and GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT as type.

glFogv( pname, params)
Parameter params must be a Python sequence containing float values.

glFogxv( pname, params)
Parameter params must be a Python sequence containing integer values.

glGenTextures( n)
The generated texture names are returned in a Python tuple.

glGetIntegerv( pname)
The values are returned in a Python tuple.

glGetString( name)
The value is return as a Python string.

glLightModelfv( pname, params)
Parameter params must be a Python sequence containing float values.

glLightModelxv( pname, params)
Parameter params must be a Python sequence containing integer values.

glLightfv( light, pname, params)
Parameter params must be a Python sequence containing float values.

glLightxv( light, pname, params)
Parameter params must be a Python sequence containing integer values.

glLoadMatrixf( m)
Parameter m must be a Python sequence containing float values. The sequence is flattened before its items are read.

glLoadMatrixx( m)
Parameter m must be a Python sequence containing integer values. The sequence is flattened before its items are read.

glMaterialfv( face, pname, params)
Parameter params must be a Python sequence containing float values.

glMaterialxv( face, pname, params)
Parameter params must be a Python sequence containing integer values.

glMultMatrixf( m)
Parameter m must be a Python sequence containing float values. The sequence is flattened before its items are read.

glMultMatrixx( m)
Parameter m must be a Python sequence containing integer values. The sequence is flattened before its items are read.

glNormalPointer( type, stride, sequence)
Parameter sequence must be either a gles.array object or some other Python sequence object. gles.array objects require less processing and can be therefore slightly faster. If gles.array object is used, the type of its data is ignored and type is used instead.

glNormalPointerb( sequence)
Special Python version of glNormalPointer that uses type GL_BYTE and stride 0.

glNormalPointers( sequence)
Special Python version of glNormalPointer that uses type GL_SHORT and stride 0.

glNormalPointerf( sequence)
Special Python version of glNormalPointer that uses type GL_FLOAT and stride 0.

glNormalPointerx( sequence)
Special Python version of glNormalPointer that uses type GL_FIXED and stride 0.

glReadPixels( x, y, width, height, format, type)
The pixel data read is returned in a Python string.

glTexCoordPointer( size, type, stride, sequence)
Parameter sequence must be either a gles.array object or some other Python sequence object. gles.array objects require less processing and can be therefore slightly faster. If gles.array object is used, the dimension and type of its data are ignored and size and type are used instead.

glTexCoordPointerb( sequence)
Special Python version of glTexCoordPointer that accepts either a gles.array object or some other Python sequence object. Other parameters of glTexCoordPointer will be determined as follows:

glTexCoordPointers( sequence)
Special Python version of glTexCoordPointer that behaves exactly as glTexCoordPointerb except GL_SHORT is used as type.

glTexCoordPointerf( sequence)
Special Python version of glTexCoordPointer that behaves exactly as glTexCoordPointerb except GL_FLOAT is used as type.

glTexCoordPointerx( sequence)
Special Python version of glTexCoordPointer that behaves exactly as glTexCoordPointerb except GL_FIXED is used as type.

glTexEnvfv( face, pname, params)
Parameter params must be a Python sequence containing float values.

glTexEnvxv( face, pname, params)
Parameter params must be a Python sequence containing integer values.

glTexImage2D( target, level, internalformat, width, height, border, format, type, pixels)
Parameter pixels must be either a Python string, a gles.array object, or graphics.Image object. Python strings are taken as literal data with no conversion. The dimension and type of data in gles.array objects are ignored: the raw data in the array is used.

Use of graphics.Image objects is limited to only some combinations of format and type. Table A.2 below shows the accepted combinations. To get the best results and performance, the CFbsBitmap object in the graphics.Image object should be in the equivalent display mode, also shown in the table below. Otherwise, the CFbsBitmap object will be first converted to the equivalent display mode before reading its pixel data, which can degrade the visual quality in some cases.

Table 3.1: Legal combinations of format and type with the equivalent Symbian display mode
format type The equivalent display mode

glTexSubImage2D( target, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height, format, type, pixels)
The handling of pixels is the same as with glTexImage2D.

glVertexPointer( size, type, stride, sequence)
Parameter sequence must be either a gles.array object or some other Python sequence object. gles.array objects require less processing and can be therefore slightly faster. If gles.array object is used, the dimension and type of its data are ignored and size and type are used instead.

glVertexPointerb( sequence)
Special Python version of glVertexPointer that accepts either a gles.array object or some other Python sequence object. Other parameters of glVertexPointer will be determined as follows:

glVertexPointers( sequence)
Special Python version of glVertexPointer that behaves exactly as glVertexPointerb except GL_SHORT is used as type.

glVertexPointerf( sequence)
Special Python version of glVertexPointer that behaves exactly as glVertexPointerb except GL_FLOAT is used as type.

glVertexPointerx( sequence)
Special Python version of glVertexPointer that behaves exactly as glVertexPointerb except GL_FIXED is used as type.

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