6.3.6 RequestNotification

RequestNotification is used to notify the registered client when events such as entry creation, updation, or deletion occurs in a specified calendar. If no calendar is specified, the default calendar is used. This is an asynchronous method.

The following is an example for using RequestNotification:

event_id = calendar_handle.call("RequestNotification", {'Type': u'CalendarEntry'}, callback=calendar_callback)

The following table summarizes the specification of RequestNotification:

Interface IDataSource
Description Notifies when add, delete, or modify is performed on the entries in the calendar store.
Response Model Asynchronous
Pre-condition IDataSource interface is loaded.
Post-condition Nil
Note The specified calendar must exist.

Input Parameters

Input parameter specifies the Type and its details to perform operation.

Table 6.52: Input parameters RequestNotification
Name Type Range Description
Type unicode string CalendarEntry Performs the operation on calendar entries.
[Filter] map [CalendarName]: unicode string
[LocalIdList]: List of unicode strings
[EndRange]: datetime
[IncludeUndatedTodos]: bool
If this entry is not specified then, notifies changes to the default calendar. CalendarName must be in the format Drivexxx:FileNamexxx.

LocalIdList specifies Ids for notification. These are obtained by a call to Getlist. If it is not specified all the entries are considered.

The StartRange and EndRange fields specify the time range during which notifications are required.

IncludeUndatedTodos specifies whether notifications are required for ToDo entries that have no date.

Output Parameters

Output parameter contains the type of modification performed on the entries in the Calendar store and the LocalId of that entry. It also contains ErrorCode, and an ErrorMessage, if the operation fails.

Table 6.53: Output parameters RequestNotification
Name Type Range Description
ErrorCode int NA Service specific error code on failure of the operation.
ErrorMessage string NA Error description in Engineering English.
ReturnValue Iterator (map) ChangeType: string: Add
LocalId: string
The ChangeType field indicates the type of modification made to the entries in the calendar store.
The LocalId gives the Id of the entry that is modified, added, or deleted.


The following table lists the errors and their values:

Table 6.54: Error codes
Error code value Description
1000 Service argument out of range

Error Messages

the following table lists the error messages and their description:

Table 6.55: Error messages
Error messages Description
Calendar:RequestNotification:CalendarName is invalid Invalid type is passed for CalendarName
Calendar:RequestNotification:Type is invalid RequestNotification called with invalid Type
Calendar:RequestNotification:StartRange is invalid Invalid type for Filter:StartRange parameter
Calendar:RequestNotification:EndRange is invalid IInvalid type for Filter:EndRange parameter
Calendar:RequestNotification:IncludeUndatedTodos is invalid Invalid type for Filter: IncludeUndatedTodos parameter.
Calendar:RequestNotification:FileName is invalid Invalid type for FileName parameter or, FileName exceeds 239 characters
Calendar:RequestNotification:LocalIdList is invalid Invalid type for Filter:LocalIdList parameter or, LocalIdList contains invalid data
Calendar:RequestNotification:Filter is invalid Invalid type for Filter parameter


import scriptext
import e32

lock = e32.Ao_lock()
calendar_handle = scriptext.load('Service.Calendar', 'IDataSource')

def calendar_callback(trans_id, event_id, input_params):
    if event_id != scriptext.EventCompleted:   
# Check the event status
        print "Error in retrieving required info"
        print "Error code is: " + str(input_params["ReturnValue"]["ErrorCode"])
        if "ErrorMessage" in input_params["ReturnValue"]:
            print "Error message is: " + input_params["ReturnValue"]["ErrorMessage"]
        print "Modification is: " + str(input_params["ReturnValue"]["ChangeType"])

# Make a request to get notification
event_id = calendar_handle.call("RequestNotification", {'Type': u'CalendarEntry'}, callback=calendar_callback)


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